While I’ll be lapping up the WordPress goodness at WordCamp this Friday, Ross Rader, avid cyclo-fanatic and director of Tucows‘ Hover division, will be hard at work on trashing the cross-Ontario cycling record. He’s doing this to raise awareness, and funds, for the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation.
Ross will be cycling 874km, trying to beat the 1987 record set by Ron Dossenbach of Windsor, Ontario, of 35 hours and 39 minutes. He figures he’ll have to maintain an average speed of 27km/hr.
You can find Ross at his blog: https://ultrarider.ca/.
You can sponsor Ross and help a child with cancer lead a better life at: https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/donate.aspx?EventID=28290&LangPref=en-CA.
Thanks for your support, and all the best to Ross and his team!