Over the years of learning the many and various skills necessary for being a well-versed web developer, you find a number of tools to help you get things done. Sometimes you have to build those tools for yourself.
There are any number of logging solutions out there, but I decided to build my own for a number of reasons. First, I had some specific requirements in mind, and I didn’t want to spend a bunch of time exhaustively researching the available options, when I could just build my own. Secondly, building my own solution allowed me to exercise design and development muscles I might not otherwise get to flex. Thirdly, building my own allows me to share it with you.
To my great and everlasting shame, however, I never got around to documenting this class. Well, never is a long time. “Never”, until now. But it has been many years since I started this project, and I’d been meaning to post some documentation since then.
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