This week I attended Mozilla’s Developer Days at Seneca College, on the York University campus. It had been years since I attended anything at York, and boy has it changed. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: September 2008
The Return of CBC’s Search Engine
On June 19th one of my favourite podcasts, CBC’s Search Engine, announced they were being taken off the air. I was so upset I started a Facebook group, Saving CBC’s Search Engine, which managed to attract over 800 other unhappy fans of the show.
Search Engine tackles some of the most important issues facing Canadians in the Digital Age. Their motto was “We predict the present”. Continue reading
Internet Explorer: The Betamax of Browsers
You have to feel sorry for the developers of the IE browser. Here they are, toiling away on this software for over 10 years now, and it’s still not able to render pages correctly. Then along comes Google, and on their first try come out with a product which eclipses Microsoft’s fakakta browser several times over. Continue reading
Google Chrome Coming Soon
Google is today releasing a new browser called Chrome. It’s supposed to be much faster and more robust than existing alternatives. (Yes, even better than FF. Can you believe it?) Google describes the philosophy and advantages in a 38 page comic book:
The big question is what this will mean for the current players? I figure it’s too soon to tell. But I’m hoping Mozilla will use the opportunity to pick up whatever they can from the GPLed Chrome, for inclusion in Firefox.
Also, I’m not sure how much I can trust Google since they’ve pulled the rug out from under my feet with their now defunct Browser Synch extension.